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Stran: [1]   Dolů
Autor Téma: Manažer reklamaci a vratek do Pirny, blízko Ustí nad Labem  (Přečteno 13995 krát)

Karma: 0
Příspěvků: 3

« : Červen 25, 2019, 12:23:18 pm »

Hledame manažera reklamaci a vratek, město Pirna, Německo, blízko Usti nad Labem

Pirna, Germany (close to Czech Republic)

To oversee a complete run and handling of German warranty claims for an international company settled in 8 EU countries.
coordinate the warranty team of the German subsidiary
cooperate with customer centres and purchase departments
together with the logistic team take part in making the warranty claim process better and faster

Looking for the best and the fastest way of solving the warranty claims
Unit performance management and reporting
Communication and effective interaction with people at all levels
Ensuring compliance with contractual service levels and process optimization
Ensuring clients´ satisfaction
Ensuring policy compliance, legislative requirements
Responsibility for employee moral
Implementation and keeping the quality standards, that support the clients´ satisfaction and low costs
Monitoring of regulations compliance
Setting and maintaining the quality standards related to accurate claim management

Achieve results and meet the customers’ expectations

Qualification in business and warranty claims processes
Computer skills (MS Word, MS Excel a MS PowerPoint)
Strong customer service orientation
Ability to work under pressure
Very good German communication skills (verbal and written), basic English and Czech skills!!

We offer:
career and salary growth and much more, starting IMMEDIATELY
attractive salary
we offer company phone, laptop
summer vacation home in Alicante
good work environment with a company that care about its people

Qualified applicants can submit their motivation letter, CV and salary requirements in MS Word or PDF format to
+420 775 393 757

By providing us your personal data in your CV, you have allowed Turbado to process and file your CV in the HR database. Your personal data will be used for the internal HR needs of Turbado only.
At the same time you confirm herewith that the personal data as stated in the CV you have sent to us is true and accurate.
Stran: [1]   Nahoru
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