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Autor Téma: Prodam Honda Odyssey, $1950 ono  (Přečteno 11980 krát)

Karma: 0
Příspěvků: 2

« : Srpen 01, 2016, 09:22:53 am »

Honda Oddyssey, 1994, 2,2l, automatic, $1950 o.n.o.
•   NEW WOF – valid till January 2017, REGO till January 2017. WOF passed with no fuss.
•   New front tyres + wheel alignment
•   Oil + filters changed regularly
•   Odometer: 238,xxx km
•   Currently modified to backpackers car (foam bed which can be lifted to access storage area) or can be sold as 7-seater (still got the seats!)
•   Goes with kitchen equipment (cutlery & crockery, pot, pan, mugs, bowls etc.)
•   Other equipment: foldable washing sink, pegs, well-equipped First Aid Kit, gas camping stove, chairs & table. Curtains and organisers for your comfort. Great CD player.
•   Selling as surplus – pick up Nelson area.
•   For more info txt 021 157 3217 or email: martina.sulak[zavináč] - photos can be sent on email

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